Month: April 2016

When my oldest son was five years old, my husband and I affectionately nicknamed him “quiz master.”  Dinner, car rides and quite moments are still his opportunity to ask us a variety of questions, rapid fire and nonstop. I’d always heard that children enter a phase where every statement is followed by the question “why?” […]

“It is not down on any map; true places never are.” –Herman Melville, Moby Dick Herman Melville’s book, “Moby Dick” was a commercial failure and out of print by the time of his death. It was only during the 20th century that the book’s reputation as a Great American Novel was established. Perhaps if Melville […]

As a writer and an avid reader, I often hear people say, “I never have time to read a book”. Odd since most of us try to manage our lives in a manner that saves time. If while reading this you are also listening to music while texting a friend as you play a computer […]

I recently went to get my annual mammogram. An appointment, which necessitated that I exercised both my adult responsibility to maintaining my health as well as my ability to remain calm in the face of one of my worst nightmares. This particular nightmare had little to do with the actual appointment. Although, admittedly, having parts […]

Neil Sedaka knew it and so does anyone else who has ended a relationship–breaking up is hard to do but sometimes it’s the best thing you can do. During my senior year of college and right before I met the love of my life, I dated a boy who I will call, “Dave.” He was […]